March 2023 Meeting Minutes


The Madison Parish Port Commission met in a regular session on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at the Madison Parish Port Commission Office.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Frazier and a roll call was taken as follows: 


Commissioners present:        Donald Frazier, Charles Vining, Jim Tucker, Robert Charles Brown and Isaiah Ross and  


Commissioners absent:          Latasha Griffin and Harold Allen 


Other members present:        Patrick Terry Murphy, Executive Director &   

                                               Kimmeka Epps, Secretary/Treasurer 


Visitors:                                 None 



On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and Commissioner Tucker on approving the previous meeting minutes on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. The minutes were approved with no necessary corrections. Motion carried unanimously. 


 Secretary Epps informed the board that the pending lease payments are now current.  Epps provided the status on the monthly accrual on the CD(s). 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, the financial reports were approved with no necessary corrections.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Executive Director Murphy provided information from Patriot Rail on the status of the rail owned by the Port.  Murphy contacted several rail entities for bids on the work required on the rail.  Vice-Chairman Vining questions if the company would start the work immediately?  Murphy stated that the entity would begin fairly soon.  Vice-Chairman Vining questioned if the seep water would hamper the process of work at the location.  Commissioner Ross questioned the timeframe of work.  Murphy wasn’t able to give a timeframe for the scope of the project. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, to accept the bid proposal from Prewett Enterprises, Inc.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Roll Call 

Yea: 5 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 2 

Abstain: 0 


Executive Director Murphy stated that the bids for the Port Road project are set for the 25th of April.  Vice-Chairman Vining question a contingency plan for harvest season.  Murphy stated that he would contact the engineer regarding the harvest season plans. 


Executive Director Murphy stated that he is working with the entity on finding the products to get the operation underway.  However the products they need are on backorder and are currently looking for a workaround to assist until the backordered items are received.  Vice-Chairman Vining stated maybe that can look into other businesses about the products needed. 


Public comments: None 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, to move into executive session.  Motion carried unanimously. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, to end the executive session and return to regular session.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Vice-Chairman Vining asked how to add to the agenda on a meeting day.  Epps informed the Vice-Chairman that the information would have to be presented to the Secretary, for the Secretary to request for a modification to the agenda at the opening of the meeting to which the board would vote to allow the agenda addition or modification.  Vice-Chairman Vining stated that he would like to add the item to next month’s meeting. 


 There being no further business brought before the board, Chairman Frazier declared the meeting adjourned. 


Kimmeka Epps Donald Frazier  

Secretary/Treasurer Chairman