The Madison Parish Port Commission met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at the Madison Parish Port Commission Office. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Frazier and a roll call was taken as follows:
Commissioners present: Donald Frazier, Robert Charles Brown, Isaiah Ross and Latasha Griffin
Commissioners absent: Charles Vining, Jim Tucker and Harold Allen
Other members present: Patrick Terry Murphy, Executive Director &
Kimmeka Epps, Secretary/Treasurer
Visitors: Kevin Allen (TRS)
Secretary Epps requested an amendment to remove the wording on line items B and C. The line items are to read as discussions of topics only, no approval of the line items due to insufficient documentation.
On motion given by Commissioner Griffin and Commissioner Brown on approving the requested amendment to the agenda to remove the wording of APPROVE on line items B and C. Motion carried unanimously.
On motion given by Commissioner Griffin and Commissioner Brown on approving the previous meeting minutes on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. The minutes were approved with no necessary corrections. Motion carried unanimously.
Secretary Epps provided information on closing of the fiscal year budget of 2022. Epps also stated that 2023 is looking good in the income department. However still informing the board that two projects are looming in 2023 that were budgeted for.
On motion given by Commissioner Griffin and seconded by Commissioner Brown, the financial reports were approved with no necessary changes. Motion carried unanimously.
Executive Director Murphy explained the grant for Containers on barge. Murphy stated that the consultant fees were higher than he expected and he would like to partner with the Port of South Louisiana and Port of Plaquemines. He stated that he has spoken with Neil Martin about Terral River Service being the Stevedoring Company for the Containers on barge operations. Chairman Frazier questioned the jobs that the Containers on barge operation would create? Murphy stated that the operation would create between 6 to 8 employment opportunities.
Executive Director Murphy stated that Patriot rail inspected the rail at the Wye owned by the Port. Patriot provided a detail report on the items that require the Port’s attention. Murphy is working with McHann rail services to get quotes to repair the rail at the Wye. Patriot is working on updating their rail also.
Executive Director Murphy stated that RailCar Co is still working toward enhancing their staff against the growing contracts received. The Port and RailCar Co are working together to update the electrical within the building.
Executive Director Murphy discussed the change in operation at Delta Southern Railroad. Patriot Rail has acquired Delta Southern Railroad. Murphy is working with the new management company on pending issues between Delta Southern Railroad and the Madison Parish Port.
Public comments: None
On motion given by Commissioner Ross and seconded by Commissioner Griffin, to move into executive session. Motion carried unanimously.
On motion given by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Griffin, to end the executive session and return to regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
The board discussed employee increments with Murphy requested 5% increase with a previous discussion of Vice-Chairman Vining offering 2.5% and Chairman Frazier stated no increments at this time.
Commissioners Griffin, Brown and Ross questioned which increment is on the table now? With Commissioners Ross & Griffin questioning if the increments are decided on by individual employees. Chairman Frazier stated it’s at the discretion of the board on how to vote.
Commissioner Ross made a motion of 2.5% increase in salaries. There was no second to the motion.
Commissioner Brown made a motion for 5% increase in salaries and Commissioner Ross made a second to the motion.
Roll Call
Yea: 2
Nay: 2
Absent: 3
Abstain: 0
The motion wasn’t carried unanimously.
There being no further business brought before the board, Chairman Frazier declared the meeting adjourned.
Kimmeka Epps Donald Frazier
Secretary/Treasurer Chairman