Port Commissioners

Donald Frazier, Chairman

Curt Collins

Jim Tucker

Robert Charles Brown

Isaiah Ross

David Williams

Latasha Griffin

Port Staff

Terry Murphy, Port Executive Director

Kimmeka Epps, Secretary/Treasurer/ Assistnt Director

Edwin Moberley, Port Attorney

Patrick (Terry) Murphy, Port Executive Director

With over 40 years of experience in counseling, administration (campus CEO for 37 years), work force development, grant writing, economic and community development, Mr. Murphy is a retired two year post-secondary technical and community college executive. He has been very active in local, state, and national organizations that work with youth and adults. Through his efforts and work with multiple organizations he has secured over 35 million dollars in grants since 1990 for the delta parishes of Northeast Louisiana, which have been designated as one of the highest poverty areas in the U.S.

Murphy has established a national network due to his involvement with many educational, community service, professional organizations, non-profit organizations and developed several different customized workforce upgrade programs for area businesses operating in Northeast Louisiana. His work with many groups include the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as team leader and team participate in various states, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, Madison Parish Port Commission, Madison Economic Development Foundation, Work Force Investment Board, National Advisory Committee for Rural Community and Technical College Presidents for Kellogg Foundation 1996 to 1999, Youthbuild USA, NOVA (faith based), Scoutmaster Boy Scouts of America (20 years) and others.

In addition to his professional background he worked in the offshore oil and pipeline industry as a pipe fitter and pipeline welder while working his way through his BS and Master’s Degrees. This accounts for eight years’ experience, six as a journeyman welder that included certifications for nuclear power plants.

He served two years in the United States Marine Corps from 1965 to 1967 and is a Vietnam Era Veteran.

He holds a BS degree in Business Administration, Master’s Degree in Student Personnel Service with a minor in Counseling and Psychology.

Post Graduate work at LSU and ULM.

Completed Academy for Community.

College Leadership Advancement, Innovation, and Modeling ACCLAIM Process, North Carolina State University, summer 1997.

Invited to attend Oxford University World Leader Summit in 2004.

He began employment with the Madison Parish Port Commission as Executive Director in October 2013.


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