April 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Madison Parish Port Commission met in a regular session on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at the Madison Parish Port Commission Office.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Frazier and a roll call was taken as follows: 


Commissioners present:        Donald Frazier, Charles Vining, Jim Tucker, Robert Charles Brown and Latasha Griffin   


Commissioners absent:          Isaiah Ross and Harold Allen 


Other members present:        Patrick Terry Murphy, Executive Director &   

                                               Kimmeka Epps, Secretary/Treasurer 


Visitors:                                 Kevin Allen, Terral River Service 



On motion given by Commissioner Tucker and Commissioner Brown on approving the previous meeting minutes on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. The minutes were approved with no necessary corrections. Motion carried unanimously. 


 Secretary Epps reported no issues with the financials at this time. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Tucker, the financial reports were approved with no necessary corrections.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Executive Director Murphy provided information on the rail repairs at Complex Chemical.  That area is a constant issue due to the river overflowing to that location.  The proposal addresses mobilization/demobilization, correct cross level defect and etc.  Vice-Chairman Vining questioned the literature in the proposal of the company not being responsible for damages to any unseen obstacles.  Director Murphy stated that the literature is standard.  Vice-Chairman Vining stated that is a problem.  Commissioner Tucker stated that the Port should advise the company of any of the items listed before the work begins. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Brown, to accept the bid proposal from Prewett Enterprises, Inc. to rehab the rail at Complex Chemical.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Roll Call 

Yea: 5 

Nay: 0 

Absent: 2 

Abstain: 0 


Executive Director Murphy stated that the bid accepted was under the allocated amount.  D&J Construction was the bidder.  Vice-Chairman Vining questioned the timeframe of job; due to harvest time.  Murphy stated that he has advised the Engineer of harvest and asked him to inform the bidders.  President Frazier questioned the widening of the road.  Murphy stated that 2 feet wide on each side.  Vice-Chairman Vining suggested informing all the tenants of the start of construction on the road.  Visitor Kevin Allen asked if the levee would be accessible during construction.  The board members stated they would have to look into that. 


Executive Director Murphy stated that he is pursuing a DRA Grant to remodel the RailCar Co.building.  The President of RailCar Co. submitted improvements he desires to the building.  Vice-Chairman Vining questioned if Dan is aware of contents of the contract regarding the building rehab or any additions to the property.  President Frazier and Vice-Chairman Vining suggested to the Director to communicate with the owner of RailCar Co. regarding the project. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Brown, to accept the bid proposal from Waxman, III, Planning and Management Consultants, Inc. to submit a DRA Grant for RailCar Co. building.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Executive Director Murphy informed the board of the status of the electrical within the building.  Secretary Epps stated that she has ordered the items to which RailCar Co has requested.  However some of the items are on backorder. 


Public comments: Kevin Allen questioned if a food truck vendor has contacted the Port?  Epps stated that no one has contacted the office regarding their attendance at the Port. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Brown, to move into executive session.  Motion carried unanimously. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Brown, to end the executive session and return to regular session.  Motion carried unanimously. 


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Brown, to increase the employee rate of pay by 5% for a two year period expiring (4/25/25). Motion wasn’t carried unanimously. 


Roll Call 

Yea: 3 

Nay: 2 

Absent: 2 

Abstain: 0 


 There being no further business brought before the board, Chairman Frazier declared the meeting adjourned. 


Kimmeka Epps Donald Frazier  

Secretary/Treasurer Chairman