November 28, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Madison Parish Port Commission met in a regular session on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at the Madison Parish Port Commission Office.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donald Frazier and a roll call was taken as follows:


Commissioners present:        Donald Frazier, Charles Vining, Latasha Griffin, Isaiah Ross, Jim Tucker and David Williams


Commissioners absent:           Robert Charles Brown


Other members present:        Terry Murphy, Executive Director & Kimmeka Epps, Secretary/Treasurer


Visitors:                                 Kevin Allen, Terral River Service & Dan Militaru, RailCar Co.

Public Meeting was opened!


Secretary Epps provided the potential budget for fiscal year 2024.  Epps suggested looking at the budget as of today to see the difference in amounts on line items.  The information enclosed shows the items increased in the budget.  Commissioner Tucker questioned the inflated amount of Legal & Professional Fees.  Secretary explained the source of the expenses for that line item.  Epps reminded the board that all items are projected for the future and stated that projecting higher line items keeps the expenses at bay.


Public Meeting is adjourned!


On motion given by Commissioner Ross and Commissioner Tucker on closing the public meeting discussing the budget.  Motion carried unanimously.



On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and Commissioner Ross on approving the previous meeting minutes on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. The minutes were approved with no necessary corrections. Motion carried unanimously.


Vice-Chairman Vining questioned whether the information at hand will basically mirror the close out for the fiscal year.  Secretary Epps stated that due to several overpayments during the road project the Port is set to receive a large amount in return from that project. Vice-Chairman Vining questioned the discrepancies on receiving the return of monies from the overpayments.  Epps stated that after finding the overpayment she sent both entities letters and invoices noting the overpayment.


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, the financial reports were approved with no necessary corrections.  Motion carried unanimously.


On motion given by Commissioner Ross and seconded by Commissioner Williams, to approve and adopt the fiscal year 2024 budgets.  Motion carried unanimously!




Roll Call

Yea: 6

Nay: 0

Absent: 1

Abstain: 0


Secretary Epps discussed the DRA Award procedures.  Epps provided a resolution allowing the Executive Director to sign all documents and discussions on behalf of the Madison Parish Port.  The resolution was read aloud.


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Tucker, approving the Executive Director to act on behalf of the Madison Parish Port with all paperwork and discussions involving the DRA grant.  Motion carried unanimously!


Roll Call

Yea: 6

Nay: 0

Absent: 1

Abstain: 0


Murphy informed the board that the dredging operations has returned to the Port.  Murphy stated that after the dredge the river contained about 10 feet of depth in the river. 


Public comments: Dan Militaru discussed some woes at the RailCar Co. building.  He provided an amount for the cost to repair the electrical within the building and stated that there is a leak on the property but he has not contacted a plumber to assess the location of the leak.  Commissioner Ross explained to Dan that he is responsible for the leaks within the building.  Vice-Chairman Vining asked if he had an idea of where the leaks are on the property.  Dan expressed his frustration with the process of the Port.  Vice-Chairman Vining questioned if the items that Dan presented are some of the items listed in the grant.  Epps informed the board that once the electrical engineer draws up the plans for the project all the information he presented will be considered.  Commissioner Ross stated that the roof needs the Port’s immediate attention.  Vice-Chairman Vining stated that possibly removing the exhaust fans from the top of the building and placing the exhaust fans on the walls of the building, could her with the roof issues in the future.


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Ross, to move into executive session.  Motion carried unanimously.


On motion given by Vice-Chairman Vining and seconded by Commissioner Griffin, to end the executive session and return to regular session.  Motion carried unanimously.


On motion given by Commissioner Griffin and seconded by Commissioners Ross and Vice-Chairman Vining to modify the Secretary/Treasurer job title to Executive Secretary/Treasurer with the Asst. Director responsibilities.  Salary pending until the meeting with the Chair, Vice-Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.





Roll Call

Yea: 6

Nay: 0

Absent: 1

Abstain: 0


 There being no further business brought before the board, Chairman Frazier declared the meeting adjourned.

Kimmeka Epps 

Donald Frazier